This chart shows the activity for each patient (with a PseudoNHS number) within A&E, APC, OP and CIDS between 01/01/2013 and 31/12/2013. Each patient is represented by a separate row. The chart is limited to the top 50 patients in terms of activity. Note: Some of the activity may have been for a previous time period but ended within this time period.)
The shape of the symbol represents the type of service visited by the patient (cross = A&E, arrow = APC, square = CIDS, circle = OP) and the colour of the symbol, whether it was in an acute (blue) or community (green) setting (orange is unallocated).
The bars represent a patient stay in hospital and the colour of the bar whether it was and elective (green), emergency (red) or other non-elective (brown) stay.